Special Introductory Price: $2,750

Retail Price: $3,495.00

It’s a big $745 savings!

Suggested Usage:

1 - 5 minutes / 2 - 4 times a day (depending of your physical condition)

Patent Number: 9,302,153,B2


For your convenience, The Total Body Reset/TBR™ will arrive fully assembled.

It is advised to check that the springs are positioned squarely in place and they did not move in transit.

Wheels are permanently attached on base panel for easy movement and storage.

Overall size: 22”width x 19”depth x 42 1/2” high.

Weight: 33.8 lbs.

Payment Plans Available. Ask for details.

Please note: at this time, orders must be placed by email or phone, as our website is still under construction.

Users have reported:

✔️ Improvement during their first session.

✔️ Improved stability walking with confidence and better coordination.

✔️Pain reduction from the decompression of injured discs, nerves. and joints.

✔️ Improvement from headaches and pain of the lower and upper back, legs, shoulders, arms and neck pain.

✔️ Increased results with regular use.

✔️ Widely used in Rehabilitation Clinics and Private Homes.