With the TBR’s subtle movements, the body learns new movement patterns that were unavailable to it before, which will lead to Enhanced Neurological Organization and Movement:


✔️ Improved Balance and Pain Relief from Chronic Injuries.

✔️ Increased Athletic Coordination

✔️ Improved Athletic Performance.

✔️ Faster and more complete recovery from injury.

✔️ Elongation of the spine, allowing injured spinal discs to decompress.

✔️ Improved sense of presence and confidence when walking and standing.

✔️ Enhanced breathing allowing greater oxygenated blood flow to the brain and the body’s muscles.


The real question is.. Who doesn’t?

Every day millions of people suffer from sports injuries, chronic pain or simply the debilitating and exasperating effects of aging. In order to combat the pain, people often turn to drugs, aggressive treatments, or undergo more surgery in order to relieve their pain and achieve immediate relief.  The Total Body Reset (TBR) can allow people to break away from that cycle.

By simply stepping onto the TBR, one can begin to feel an increase in coordination, improved mobility, and reduced chronic pain.  These profound results are usually felt within a few minutes, without the need for surgery or drugs!  

The Total Body Resetis just that …   a TOTAL BODY RESET. 

Many performance / rehabilitation products today use aggressive movements which can shock a vulnerable body into deeper injury.  The TBR applies a completely different approach.  Subtle micro-movements are used to activate dormant neurological patterns throughout the body.  By awakening and communicating on a very subtle level, the body can interact with the small intrinsic muscles.  These muscles are essential for fine tuned coordination, but damage from injury and/or age can cause the body to try and compensate in inadequate ways, which can further exacerbate the injury.

Healthcare providers such as doctors, rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, etc…, are all striving to gain access to deeper levels of fine movement coordination in the body.  Until now with the Total Body Reset there was no real way to reach that deep level of disruption.  For that reason, there is major excitement in the availability of the Total Body Reset.  With the TBR’s subtle technique, the body learns new movement patterns that increase balance/mobility, provide pain relief, aid in healing from injuries and improve coordination.