The TBR saved me from falling and captured my heart!

"After experiencing several problems with my balance, having regular falls and seeing my posture deteriorate, I had basically given up hope. I met with numerous doctors looking for answers and even spent 7 days at the Mayo Clinic trying to find a solution. They gave me no real hope other than to take strong daily medications. That was not my answer but my constant and debilitating pain from nerve damage and past traumas left me questioning what to do. How was I ever going to improve my overall balance? I saw doctors galore and had regular PT sessions. I worked out regularly. Sadly, my pursuits came up empty. It was at a very low time in my life that I was introduced to a relatively unknown device called the Total Body Reset/ TBR for short. It was suggested that it could help me with my issues in a way that nothing else could. No drugs nor surgery required!. I must admit that I was quite skeptical. How could it possibly help me? From the very first minute that I stepped onto the TBR I felt a smile come to my face as I could sense the TBR was beginning to realign my body in a way that I had never experienced. It was subtle and yet I could feel my muscles and posture recalibrating. It was certainly a life changing experience for me. This machine actually allowed me to HEAL MYSELF! I couldn't stop thinking that if this is helping me to reset the patterns in my body and ease my pain, what could it do for others suffering too? I knew I had to have a TBR in my life. After much research, I knew I had to let others know about it too. For that reason, I came out of retirement to help get the TBR known and properly utilized by those wanting to feel their best. I strongly believe the TBR offers help to everyone who tries it. Read further and you will learn more on how the TBR began and all that it can do for you.

I wish you well on your healing journey..


Total Body REset /TBR

Elizabeth Frank

** In the video below you will see the name The Harwin Balancer. Please note after new enhancements The Harwin Balancer™ is now called the TOTAL BODY RESET™ also known as the TBR™.

It’s the same great device only now even better!

The Pain Solution

We know that pain is caused by various injuries, but what we don’t usually realize is that we unconsciously change the way we stand, sit and walk to mitigate our pain. Over time, these very adjustments cause further strain and damage to our joints and exacerbate the problems caused by the original injuries.

Each day,millions of people suffer from injuries, falls, repercussions from previous surgeries, chronic pain and the many effects of one’s aging body. Often the only choice is to turn to drugs or undergo more surgery in an effort to relieve the pain and achieve immediate relief.

The Total Body Reset/TBR is a therapeutic exercise device that can allow you to break away from that cycle. The TBR appears to encourage the body to re-educate itself by supporting the proprioceptive* communication in the body. As the TBR activates this subtle movement pattern, it helps wake up this system so that it can re-set and unlearn the current “bad habits” and relearn new ones.

By simply stepping onto the TBR, you can begin to feel an increase in coordination, improved stability, increased mobility and reduced chronic pain. The profound results are often felt in the first few sessions giving many the option to go forward without the need for surgery or drugs.

After standing on the TBR for a few minutes I had less pain in my neck, back and knees. Having made a long recovery from spinal surgery after a serious car accident, I can tell you that I am delighted with my results from using Dr. Harwin’s invention.”

From using the TBR I am considerably more active doing the things I love to do. I have less back pain, less headaches, and I am sleeping more soundly. My golf game has even improved and my score proves it.”

  • Proprioceptor: A sensory end organ that provides information about the position of the body and its parts in space at a particular moment in time; proprioceptors are present in muscles, tendons and joint capsules. It also includes the muscle spindle and the Golgi tendon organ.”

  • Segen’s Medical Dictionary, copyright 2012 Farlex,Inc. All rights reserved.


By using the TBR for just a few minutes a day, users report:

✔️ Improved balance and posture

✔️ Enhanced neurological organization

✔️ Better Mobility

✔️ Pain Relief

✔️ Elongation of the spine allowing the injured spinal disc to decompress

✔️ Deeper breathing and greater oxygen intake to the muscles and brain.

✔️ Improved athletic performance and injury recovery

Total Body Reset

The TBR features dual platforms that reside over strategically placed springs. Through the proprioceptors in your feet and hands, your body will immediately start to subtly reposition itself and wake up atrophied or dormant muscles and neurological patterns thus allowing them to regain normal function. The healing process begins when you first step onto the TBR, Most people feel the positive changes beginning to happen within minutes.