What is the TBR and how does it work?

The TBR is a non-invasive device that increases coordination, improves mobility, reduces chronic pain naturally and is drug-free, often eliminating the need for aggressive treatments or surgery.  It is easy to use and only takes a few minutes a day - yet the effects are immediate and long lasting.  It can help restore confidence in walking, improve posture alignment and contribute to overall well-being.

The TBR is easy, safe and effective.  The user simply stands with each foot resting on an individual platform.  The platforms have several strategically placed springs and hinges incorporated below which serve to create slight movement(s) in response to the body’s subtle neurological imbalances.  The user only needs to stand on the TBR twice a day for 1-5 minutes.

These subtle micro-movements activate new neural pathways, waking up millions of proprioceptors buried deep in one’s joints, muscles and other organs that respond to stimuli regarding the position and movement of the body.  These proprioceptors have become dormant due to compensations from past injuries or long hours of sitting.  Increased proprioceptive communications resets the organization of the small intrinsic muscles necessary for fine tuned movement and coordination.

The key to the TBR is the very gentle movement it creates.  The movement is subtle, natural and customized to the individual.  This allows the body to reach an unusually deep level of response which helps to rebuild damaged neurological movement patterns.  (The speed of progress is, of course, determined by the severity of your condition).  

About the Co-Founders

Who is Dr. Ron Harwin?

Ron Harwin D.C., inventor and Co-Founder, has had a career that has spanned more than four decades of patient care and a lifetime of study exploring the intelligence of how we move. His fascination with the human body began after seeing a skeleton in his father’s doctor’s office at a very young age. That occurrence instilled in him a lifelong curiosity of how the human body works.

In his early 20’s, Dr. Harwin took a unique approach to his research and began to study how true healing evolves from the inside of one’s body to its outer functioning.  In essence, healing from the inside out.

He gained revolutionary insights into healing while studying in India and other foreign lands.  When he returned home, he spent the next five decades studying and practicing Asian Martial Arts and yoga.  This process provided him with a deeper understanding of how the human body works with gravity and movement.  It also gave him a unique perspective on how to fix the body when it was broken.

Before creating the TBR, Doctor Ron had been a pioneer in the treatment and prevention of computer related injuries. His design of the innovative CompuHealth™ Interactive Software Program to provide a practical solution to the prevention of computer-related injuries in the workplace. In 1991 he co-authored “Healthy Computing”, the first book ever published on the subject of computer-related injuries. His innovative Carpal Tunnel treatment was filmed by NBC-TV and aired on both special programming and the news.

Dr. Ron Harwin is considered by many to be one of the health care innovators of our time, opening the door to a new field of study in the rehabilitation of chronic injury and increased athletic performance. His lifetime dedication to patient care has resulted in the development of the Total Body Reset/TBR, an important breakthrough in health care that is helping people live healthier, freer and more productive lives.

“Seeing in my patient’s eyes the confidence to manage their life with less pain and less fear gives me the deepest satisfaction. To help a patient regain the complete use of their hands, to walk without fear of falling, to move freely and confidently without pain… this is what inspires me in my work.”

With forty years of clinical experience behind him and after many years observing the results of the TBR in clinics and homes, he continues to be inspired by seeing patients return to a quality of life they thought was gone forever

“I am dedicated to finding solutions for two of today’s greatest health problems: Chronic Pain and Walking/Fall problems”.


Elizabeth Frank,

CEO Total Body Reset


Elizabeth is no newcomer to the world of healing. Her interest began at the age of six while seeing her 39 year-old father slowly dying of cancer. With little to be done to help him, his passing sparked a strong curiosity to seek out possible alternatives and complementary approaches for healing oneself.

Most of her professional career was spent in business and design, though her enduring passion was always in furthering her studies and practices in complementary medicine and healthy living.

In her early twenties, Elizabeth began experiencing constant back pain due to worsening scoliosis. In her search for a helpful option, she was introduced to a somewhat unknown modality called CranioSacral Therapy developed by Dr. John Upledger. “I found John’s work to be profound and extremely helpful for my back pain” Though she had also been told that she could not have children due to her back issues, that diagnosis was proven wrong after her work with John.

Having a great desire to see CranioSacral Therapy become more available to others, with great zeal she went on to co-found the Upledger Institute which today offers treatments and trainings in 101 countries and to date has trained over 172,000 healthcare professionals.

Moving ahead in her health-oriented pursuits, she expanded her studies and developed a private coaching practice providing Integrative Nutritional Health Coaching and Grief Coaching.



As she transitioned into retirement, she suffered from a vehicle accident that left her stricken with constant leg, foot and nerve pain. The situation led to growing instability problems with her walking and with her balance. No healthcare practitioner could provide relief. After years of seeking help, she discovered the work of Dr. Ron Harwin and the “Total Body Reset”. From the first time she tried the TBR she knew that its unique approach was exactly what would provide relief and help her heal. As her improvement continued while using the TBR, she felt strongly that others needed to learn about its amazing benefits. This exciting discovery prompted Elizabeth to come out of retirement and co-found Evolutionary Therapeutics, LLC, the developer and manufacturer of the TBR and bring forth her dream of helping others in a profound way.


“It is my firm belief that nothing is more important than one’s health. The TBR has helped me bring life and confidence back into my daily living. For that I am most grateful.”